I am trying to WWOOF in Sweden this summer and have made a big leap in the right direction: I made an account on the program site. It is official, and there is no going back. I paid euros; we’re doing this.*If you are unfamiliar with the term WWOOF, please read this article.
This may be a shock for some of you. I haven’t ventured anywhere across the Atlantic, or any ocean, with you before. How could I betray Sudamérica!? Am I sick of the Andes!?
No hard feelings mi cordillera favorita. I definitely am not done with South America. Think of this as a test of our relationship. ¡No se preocupe! I love South America, but the world awaits. So, do I know where I’ll be?
Hell no. I hope that I can get in contact with a farmer relatively soon. I need to plan the transportation of it all. I barely have enough for plane tickets, and the prices will go up as the summer approaches. I am looking for farms close-ish to cities. I want a farm experience, but I have to get there first! Cities are great for public transportation and I will need all the help I can get to make it to the countryside.
The closest cities to the farms I like so far are Lund, Malmö, Hörby (all in the south), and Stockholm, the capital in the middle of the nation. I want to be in the country don’t get me wrong, but I’d like to explore the urban centers a little bit too – see what all the hubbub is about, you know?
For me, Sweden is appealing because of its landscape, location, and agriculture. Scandinavia is an antique, scenic region of northern Europe that demands to be seen. It has both forests and farmlands, which is such a great combination for a country. Furthermore, Sweden’s developed touches are just as spectacular. I hear the historic architecture is a plus, and this art history student is excited for it. Also, Swedish origins are the vikings! Isn’t that fun?
Europe is a place I am not too uncomfortable with, but it’s a new place for me. I have been to Europe as a youngster with his parents but never solo and for a hefty period of time. Sweden is welcoming, safe, and has a culture that interests me. The whole fraternity of Scandinavia is intriguing. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark share some cultural and linguistic similarities and all seem so peaceful and cozy. I can’t wait to find out for myself how pleasant they actually are. Getting from point A to point B in Europe is relatively simple, and if I have time, I would like to at least see Copenhagen. However, backpacking through Europe is the opposite of my goal.
Raising goats, sheep, and pigs is my mission, and I hope to do some useful manual labor as well. I want to work on a farm! I want to shout it out on the mountains! I miss my hoofed friends!
I cannot do a soul searching sabbatical through Europe after high school or a full-on GAP year. WWOOFing is the most GAP experience I think I can stomach. It’s not that I dislike/ abhor GAP programs, but I think that they demand expert timing and should be truly merited.
I have heard great arguments about how GAP years facilitate growth and maturity, and people who do them go to university much more fulfilled and focused; however, they are for a certain type of person. I don’t think everyone who undertakes GAP experiences needs them. Back to lighter topics, I am so excited for Sweden. I have to make contact with one of these farmers. I have a mighty need to be back with livestock and fields of produce.
Let’s hope I’ll be near a town/ city too! Who wants to explore some Swedish suburbs or some other Scandinavian places? First though, how about I get into a college? More to come about Sweden, university, and the future that awaits …