I am currently trying to add a super cool language teaching database to my school’s library. It’s called Mángo Languages. It is essentially an online Rosetta Stone but with some really cool features like sound comparisons to natives and in-depth explanation of grammar. I must say it’s weird to feel excited about language software …
This site hosts 76 courses including multiple English versions for non-English speaking learners including courses through an Arabic, Korean (hullah!), Vietnamese, Greek perspective etc. A reason why I am excited to add this into my library is because of the variety they offer.
Have you ever wanted to try your hand at Tagalog, Dari, Finnish, Gaelic, Hawaiian, or Bengali (recently added)? The students at my school might soon be able to!
However, the site seems to be best suited for the more readily learned languages: French, Spanish, German etc. They have more courses at different levels while the other less learned ones do not go into such depth. However, some of these less learned languages do come in versions with multiple dialects. Even if some of them are just introductory courses, it’s still a great starting off point for those who are truly devoted and not just using it for a pretentious party trick.
Personally, I do not want to learn a crazy amount of languages or believe that I even can. I just want to add a resource that people can use to challenge themselves and possibly be a form of flex credit for those who are really dedicated. Though I must say, since personal accounts are expensive, having access to this site would be cool.
Luckily, I polled a class at my school, and got some interest. Therefore, I think I will be able get the administration on board with a little persuasion.
Mángo is offered for personal use, libraries, K-12 curriculum, higher education (college), government, corporations, and home schools, which leads me to believe it is credible. The only downside for me is that they don’t post all their prices and information on the website, so I will have to call or email a representative. Besides that, the site is quite easy to manage. Follow the link below to check it out:
More articles to come about food, language, and far off places! Hopefully, I’ll get some abroad time soon: Maybe even a place where I can speak the language? Portuguese is going well, and Spanish is just dandy. I’d love to hear about your language pursuits too. Leave a comment below. Also, if anyone has some any other information about this system, please do tell. Safe travels everyone!
*I have no idea why there is an accent mark over the a in mángo